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Mohammed Ismail

Mohammed Ismail

University of Louisville, USA

Title: Dual energy computed tomography case based review of the utility of dual energy computed tomography


Biography: Mohammed Ismail


Dual Energy CT (DECT) allows for better material differentiation than conventional single energy CT. Essentially, using low keV and high keV CT beams, the same material will attenuate the different energy beams to a different degree. Then, using this differential attenuation, material decompensation algorithms to are used to determine the type of the material being attenuated. Because of DECT’s improved material differentiation, iodine can be subtracted from images (virtual non-contrast images), bone can be automatically removed from CT angiographic studies, pulmonary perfusion can be depicted (pulmonary perfused blood volume), and renal stones can be characterized. We would like to present cases from our institution that demonstrate the added value of DECT. Depending on the space limitations of a poster presentation, we would like to include as many of the following cases as possible: case of indeterminate renal lesion characterization, automated bone removal on a CTA neck study, metal artifact reduction, active contrast extravasation from the neck, renal stone characterization, and intraparenchymal cerebral contrast staining vs. intracranial hemorrhage following neurointerventional thrombectomy