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Heba Nabil

Heba Nabil

Nasser Institute For Research and Treatment, Egypt

Title: Value of Integrated PET/CT


Biography: Heba Nabil


To identify the value of PET-CT in follow up of chest tumors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Whole body PET/CT studies were performed on 29 patients of variable primary & secondary chest tumors. RESULTS: Our findings indicate that FDG PET/CT has an important impact on follow up of chest tumors, as it delineated the metabolic activity of the disease in 21 patients (72.41 %), outlined the metabolic activity of the tumoral residue in 4 patients postoperatively (13.79%), delineated the metabolic activity of the disease for preparing for BMT in 2 patient (6.89%). differentiated between tumoral residue & post irradiation pneumonitis in 1 patient (3.44%), and in 1 patient Initial assessment of the metabolic activity of the disease before determination line of treatment CONCLUSION: Integrated PET/CT imaging, which combines both functional and morphologic imaging in a single examination, has shown how the initial staging and subsequent follow-up of patients with chest tumors can supersede the traditional methods of evaluation in terms of diagnostic accuracy and has an impact on the management. Limitations which must be kept in mind are the subcentimetric pulmonary nodules that below 7 or 8 mm (beyond PET resolution).

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